Two Spire Healthcare medical technicians feature in major new Science Museum exhibition

08 Nov 2022

A medical laboratory technician from Spire Southampton Hospital and a radiology practitioner from Spire Leicester Hospital have been chosen to feature in the brand new Technicians’ Gallery at London’s Science Museum, which opened this week.

Georgia Godwin, 23, at Spire Southampton is one of 100 technicians from across the UK selected to be featured in the gallery. Her career path has been unusual: having wanted to go into performing arts, she changed direction and did a forensics course. She now works in the pathology laboratory at Spire Southampton, analysing blood and other samples from patients who come for diagnosis and treatment at the hospital. She also spends one day a week doing studies for her laboratory technician apprenticeship.

Kelly Greaney, 34, from North West Leicester, has had an unusual career: having started at Spire working in housekeeping, she then changed course and became an optician’s assistant before going into nursery nursing. She later returned to Spire as an administrator in the radiology department, was encouraged by her manager to take on more patient-facing duties, did a two year apprenticeship in health and social care practical science while working, and qualified as an radiology assistant practitioner. Her ambition now is to gain a further qualification to become a trained radiographer.

The gallery is aimed at encouraging 11-16 year olds to consider a scientific or technical career. Young people who visit have a chance to 'have-a go' at being a technician and learn about all the exciting technician opportunities available. QR codes around the gallery direct people to a special website, where they can learn about Georgia’s and Kelly’s stories and those of other technicians.

Georgia Godwin said, “I fell in love with Biological Science, and now I’m here at the labs in Spire. The work here keeps me on my toes every day and I really feel I make a difference to people’s lives.

“I’m thrilled to be part of the new gallery at the Science Museum. I’d encourage anyone, whatever your background and interests, to consider a career as a technician.”

Kelly Greaney said, “I really like the variety in my role. Every patient is different and you never quite know what each day will bring. I’m also very motivated by the way I’m able to continually develop in my role. I can always push a bit further and I haven’t stopped yet.

“I’m very excited to be part of the new exhibition at the Science Museum. I’d encourage anyone, whatever your background and interests, to consider a career in radiology.”

The gallery has been developed by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. Their research shows that while parents are becoming more supportive of technical education, 40% don’t understand what a technician is, while 66% say their child has expressed an interest in a career they know little about.

Listen to Georgia on BBC Radio Solent