Our People

Sir Ian Cheshire

Sir Ian Cheshire

Non-Executive Chairman

Sir Ian Cheshire

Non-Executive Chairman

Sir Ian Cheshire joined Spire Healthcare as chairman-designate in early March 2021 and became non-executive chairman at the conclusion of its annual general meeting in May 2021.

Current external appointments

  • Chairman of Land Securities Group plc
  • Chairman of Channel 4
  • Senior adviser to Ardea Partners
  • Trustee of the Institute for Government
  • Chair of We Mean Business Coalition

Skills and previous experience

Sir Ian brings to Spire Healthcare considerable FTSE experience, deep understanding of the government-business interface and broad ESG credentials, which are important to the company’s strategy and long-term sustainable success.

Sir Ian was chairman of Barclays Bank UK PLC until December 2020 and a non-executive director of Barclays PLC, BT Group plc and Menhaden Resource Efficiency plc until May 2021, July 2023 and September 2024 respectively. He was also previously senior independent director and remuneration committee chair of Whitbread plc until September 2017. Sir Ian held a variety of posts whilst at Kingfisher plc including chief executive of B&Q from 2005 to 2008 and group chief executive from 2008 to 2014. He is involved with many charitable organisations, such as The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund which he also chairs, and has also worked with various government departments.

Sir Ian is chair of both the Disclosure and Nomination committees.