Our People

Professor Dame Janet Husband

Professor Dame Janet Husband

Independent Non-Executive Director

Dame Janet Husband was appointed an independent non-executive director in June 2014. Dame Janet was appointed vice chair on 1 March 2023.

Current external appointments

  • Emeritus Professor of Radiology at the Institute of Cancer Research

Skills and previous experience

Having trained in medicine at Guy’s Hospital Medical School, Dame Janet’s extensive career in healthcare allows her to bring invaluable insight and knowledge of the industry.

Dame Janet has previously served as a non-executive director and special adviser to the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, as a specially appointed commissioner to the Royal Hospital Chelsea and as chair of the National Cancer Research Institute. She was elected president of the Royal College of Radiologists in 2004 and also served as vice chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges.

These appointments followed a long career as professor of radiology at the Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital during which Dame Janet gained global recognition for her pioneering research in cancer imaging. Prior to retirement from clinical practice she was appointed medical director of the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust where she worked closely with senior management to develop a programme of robust clinical governance and continuous improvement in the quality of patient services.

Dame Janet is chair of the Clinical Governance and Safety Committee, and a member of the Nomination and Audit and Risk Committees.